• Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)
  • Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)

Spitsbergen – Svalbard. The complete guidebook (engelsk)

Natural and human history - Routes and regions - Useful and important information

This is the english version of the guidebook Spitsbergen - Svalbard. This book is also available in Norwegian: Svalbard - Norge nærmest Nordpolen.

This is the fifth updated edition (2023) of the english guidebook Spitsbergen - Svalbard, available from February 2023.

Comprehensive guidebook about Spitsbergen. Background (wildlife, plants, geology, history etc.), practical information including travelling seasons, how to travel, description of settlements, routes and regions.

This new edition has got 608 pages (in contrast to 512 before) and all chapters have got a lot of updates and new information, including many significantly improved maps.

Språk: Engelsk

kr 280.37
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Natural and human history - Routes and regions - Useful and important information

This is the english version of the guidebook Spitsbergen - Svalbard. This book is also available in Norwegian: Svalbard - Norge nærmest Nordpolen.

Comprehensive guidebook about Spitsbergen

This new 4th updated edition from 2018 has got 608 pages (in contrast to 512 before). All chapters have got a lot of updates and new information, including many improved maps.

This book does not only cover comprehensive information concerning all fields of possible interest, but is at the same time a photo book containing many colour images to illustrate many wildlife and flower species and to document landscapes and places from all over the archipelago.

»Spitsbergen – Svalbard« has detailed information about the flora and fauna of Spitsbergen, its nature and human history and detailed chapters about all regions, fjords, islands and settlements. 14 mammal species, 26 bird species and 29 flower species are described in detail and illustrated with colour photographs. Many sketch maps within the text provide geographical orientation. Furthermore, this books will answer questions concerning practical issues, how to travel in Spitsbergen, which seasons are good, relevant legislation, hazards out in the field and more.

Popular routes (hiking, snow mobile tours, cruises) are described in detail.

»Spitsbergen – Svalbard« has approximal 608 pages (A5, paperback) including more than 260 colour photographs to document the biological and geographical diversity of Spitsbergen.

Table of contents. 

1. Preface
2. Introduction 
3. Travelling in Svalbard: Useful, practical and important information
3.1 Seasons
3.2 How to travel
3.2.1 Expedition-style cruising
3.2.2 Cruise ships
3.2.3 Sailing
3.2.4 Staying in Longyearbyen
3.2.5 Individual hiking
Hiking routes (1): eastern Nordenskiöld Land, east coast
Hiking routes (2): Dickson Land
3.2.6 Organised hiking tours
3.2.7 Canoe/Sea-kayak
3.2.8 Skiing
3.2.9 Dog sledging
3.2.10 Snowmobile
Snowmobile day-tour (1): Tempelfjord
Snowmobile day-tour (2): east coast
Snowmobile tour (3): Pyramiden
Snowmobile day-tour (4): Barentsburg
3.2.11 Tracked vehicle ("Snow Cat") 
3.2.12 Horse-riding 
3.2.13 Helicopter 
3.2.14 Climbing 
3.2.15 Scuba-Diving 
3.2.16 Hunting & fishing 
3.2.17 Bicycle and FatBike 
3.2.18 Bus 
3.2.19 Camper van 
3.3 Tour operators 
3.4 Clothing, hygiene & the environment, photography 
3.5 Getting to Spitsbergen 
3.6 Conservation, cultural heritage, protected areas, safety 
3.6.1 Conservation and protected areas 
3.6.2 Cultural heritage 
3.6.3 Polar bears and weapons 
3.6.4 Communication & safety in the field 
3.6.5 Registration of tours with the administration 
3.6.6 Tent and hut 
3.6.7 Other hazards in the field: rivers, glaciers, ice and snow, mud, rabies and other diseases, drinking water, mosquitoes 
3.6.8 Maps and orientation 
3.7 Longyearbyen 
3.7.1 Services and infrastructure 
3.7.2 Accommodation, eating and drinking 
3.7.3 Shopping 
3.7.4 Sights in Longyearbyen 
3.7.5 Activities near Longyearbyen 
Boat trip to Pyramiden 
Boat trip to Barentsburg 
3.7.6 Mountain hikes near Longyearbyen (1) Platåberg, Nordenskiöldfjellet
Mountain hikes near Longyearbyen 
(2): Gruvefjellet, Sukkertoppen, Trollsteinen, Sarkofagen, Larsbreen, Longyearbreen 
Mountain hikes near Longyearbyen (3):  Fuglefjella, Grumantbyen 
Mountain hikes near Longyearbyen (4):  Foxfonna 
Mountain hikes near Longyearbyen (5):  Hiorthfjellet 
(6):  Hikes near Longyearbyen (without "mountain"): Adventdalen 

3.7.7 From coal to space research: Longyearbyen through 100 years

4. Natural history 
4.1 Geology 
4.2 Geography, glaciers, permafrost 
4.3 Oceanic currents 
4.4 Sea ice 
4.5 Driftwood, plastic pollution and environmental toxins 
4.6 Climate and weather 

4.7 Mammals
4.7.1 Polar bear 
4.7.2 Arctic fox 
4.7.3 Svalbard reindeer 
4.7.4 Bearded seal 
4.7.5 Ringed seal 
4.7.6 Harp seal 
4.7.7 Walrus 
4.7.8 Harbour seal 
4.7.9 Minke whale 
4.7.10 White whale (Beluga) 
4.7.11 Humpback whale 
4.7.12 Fin whale 
4.7.13 Blue whale 
4.7.14 Bowhead whale 
4.7.15 White-beaked dolphin 
4.7.16 Introduced species 
4.7.17 Invertebrates

4.8 Birds 
4.8.1 Red-throated diver 
4.8.2 Northern fulmar 
4.8.3 Common eider 
4.8.4 King eider 
4.8.5 Long-tailed duck 
4.8.6 Pink-footed goose 
4.8.7 Barnacle goose 
4.8.8 Rock ptarmigan 
4.8.9 Snow bunting 
4.8.10 Purple sandpiper 
4.8.11 Grey phalarope 
4.8.12 Arctic tern 
4.8.13, Great skua 
4.8.14 Pomarine skua 
4.8.15 Arctic skua 
4.8.16 Long-tailed skua 
4.8.17 Sabine’s gull 
4.8.18 Ivory gull
4.8.19 Ross’ gull 
4.8.20 Glaucous gull 
4.8.21 Great black-backed gull 
4.8.22 Black-legged Kittiwake 
4.8.23 Atlantic puffin 
4.8.24 Common guillemot 
4.8.25 Brünnich’s guillemot 
4.8.26 Little auk 
4.8.27 Black guillemot 

4.9 Plants
4.9.1 Polar willow 
4.9.2 Dwarf birch 
4.9.3 Mountain sorrel 
4.9.4 Knotweed 
4.9.5 Arctic mouse-ear 
4.9.6 Tundra chickweed

4.9.7 Fringed sandwort,
4.9.8 Polar campion or Nodding lychnis 
4.9.9 Moss campion 
4.9.10 Snow buttercup
4.9.11 Svalbard poppy

4.9.12 Scurvy grass 
4.9.13 Whitlow-grasses 
4.9.14 Purple saxifrage 
4.9.15 Yellow mountain saxifrage 
4.9.16 Alpine saxifrage 
4.9.17 Hawkweed-leaved saxifrage 
4.9.18 Bog saxifrage 
4.9.19 Drooping saxifrage
4.9.20 Tufted saxifrage 
4.9.21 Spider plant 
4.9.22 Mountain avens 
4.9.23 Arctic bell-heather 
4.9.24 Boreal Jacob’s-ladder 
4.9.25 Polar cress 
4.9.26 Wooly lousewort 
4.9.27 Arctic cottongrass 
4.9.28 Arctic dandelion 
4.9.29 Polar dandelion 
4.9.30 Grasses, mosses, lichens & fungi 

5. History
5.1 Vikings 
5.2 Pomors 
5.3 Willem Barentsz 
5.4 Whaling in the 17th century 
5.5 Early expeditions and science 
5.6 Attempts to fly to the Pole: Virgohamna and Ny-Ålesund 
5.7 Trappers 
5.8 Whaling in the early 20th century 
5.9 The Spitsbergen Treaty 
5.10 Mining 5.11 The Second World War 
5.12 Spitsbergen after the war

6. Fjords and islands, settlements and stations: The regions of Svalbard 
6.1 Isfjord
6.1.1 Kapp Linné/Isfjord Radio, Russekeila, Festningen 
6.1.2 Grønfjord, Barentsburg 
6.1.3 Grumantbyen, Colesbukta 
6.1.4 Adventfjord 
6.1.5 Sassenfjord, Tempelfjord 
6.1.6 Eastern Dickson Land (Skansbukta, Pyramiden), Billefjord
6.1.7 Dicksonfjord, western Dickson Land 
6.1.8 Ekmanfjord, Coraholmen, Flintholmen 
6.1.9 Borebukta, Bohemanflya 
6.1.10 Ymerbukta 
6.1.11 Alkhornet, Trygghamna 
6.2 Forlandsund east side
6.3 Prins Karls Forland 
6.4 Kongsfjord 
6.4.1 Ny-Ålesund 
6.4.2 Inner Kongsfjord 
6.4.3 Blomstrandhalvøya 
6.5 Krossfjord 
6.6 The northern west coast
6.6.1 Dei Sju Isfjella 
6.6.2 Hamburgbukta 
6.6.3 Magdalenefjord 
6.7 Northwestern Spitsbergen 
6.7.1 Sørgattet, Bjørnfjord, Smeerenburgfjord 
6.7.2 Danskøya 
6.7.3 Amsterdamøya 
6.7.4 Fair Haven, Fuglefjord, Sallyhamna 
6.7.5 Nordvestøyane: Fugløya, Fuglesongen, Klovningen, Ytre Norskøya, 
Indre Norskøya 
6.8 Raudfjord 
6.9 The Woodfjord area 
6.9.1 Woodfjord 6.9.2 Reinsdyrflya, Stasjonsøyane, Andøyane 
6.9.3 Liefdefjord 
6.9.4 Bockfjord 
6.10 Moffen 
6.11 Wijdefjord 
6.12 Ny-Friesland, Verlegenhuken 6.13 Sorgfjord 
6.14 Hinlopenstretet 
Footnote one: Drift ice and circumnavigations 
Footnote two: Through Hinlopenstretet or around Nordaustland? 
6.14.1 Murchisonfjord 
6.14.2 Lomfjord 
6.14.3 Alkefjellet 
6.14.4 Wahlenbergfjord, Palanderbukta 
6.14.5 The islands in Hinlopenstretet 
6.14.6 Augustabukta, Vibebukta
6.15 Nordaustland 
6.15.1 Lady Franklinfjord, Brennevinsfjord, Lågøya 
6.15.2 Sjuøyane 
6.15.3 Chermsideøya, Nordenskiöldbukta, Rijpfjord, Duvefjord, Orvin Land 
6.15.4 Karl XII-øya, Foynøya 
6.15.5 Isispynten, Austfonna, Bråsvellbreen 
6.16 Storøya, Kvitøya 
6.17 Kong Karls Land 
6.18 Spitsbergen's east coast, Storfjord 
6.18.1 Heleysund, Straumsland, Negribreen 
6.18.2 Mohnbukta, Dunérbukta, Agardhbukta 
6.18.3 Kvalvågen, Boltodden 
6.18.4 Emil'janovbreen, Hambergbukta, Daudbjørnpynten 
6.19 Barentsøya 
6.20 Edgeøya 
6.21 Tusenøyane, Halvmåneøya, Ryke Yseøyane 
6.22 Hopen 
6.23 Bjørnøya
6.24 Sørkapp Land 
6.25 Hornsund 

6.26 Hyttevika, Dunøyane, Isøyane, Kapp Borthen 
6.27 Bellsund 
6.27.1 Recherchefjord 
6.27.2 Van Keulenfjord 
6.27.3 Van Mijenfjord, Akseløya, northern Bellsund 
7. Arctic environmental problems


Referanse 978-3-937903-53-8Weight 0.76 kg – Dimensions: 14.80 x 21.10 cm











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literature list

The literature list has now reached an amount that it does not make sense anymore to include it in the printed version of the book. The pages thus saved have been put to better use! But of course the literature list, together with a geological glossary, remains available: click here to download the literature list and geological glossary as a pdf-file.

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complete, detailed table of contents

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Elisabeth Prouteau 2024-04-03

A must have for a travel to Spitsbergen

Even if you're not lucky enough to go on an expedition to Spitsbergen, this book will take you on a journey through beautiful images of Artic flora and fauna, accompanied by precise descriptions. I highly recommend this travel guide.

Mathieu 2024-04-01

Excellent guidebook

Of all the guidebooks on Spitsbergen that I read before going there, this one is -by far- the most comprehensive. Especially useful were the detailed descriptions of the most common boat- hiking- and snowmobiling trips. Furthermore, the elaborate descriptions of the landscapes, history and geology of the different parts of Spitsbergen really helped to make my trip to Spitsbergen an even more enjoyable experience.

Mathieu 2024-04-01

Excellent guidebook

Of all the guidebooks on Spitsbergen that I read before going there, this one is -by far- the most comprehensive. Especially useful were the detailed descriptions of the most common boat- hiking- and snowmobiling trips. Furthermore, the elaborate descriptions of the landscapes, history and geology of the different parts of Spitsbergen really helped to make my trip to Spitsbergen an even more enjoyable experience.

Greg P 2024-03-07


This book really covers all the bases for you to fully appreciate the archipelago, very comprehensive and nicely written. Rolf Stange has put a lot of effort into creating this guidebook, thanks for the hard work to make life easy for a polar guide such as me! 100% worth having shipped across the Atlantic.

Jean Mouette 2023-08-26

The Bible!

If you only have room for one book onboard, it has to be "Spitzbergergen": tested and fully approved by a team of four people, two Norwegians and two French, that has been sailing for 6 weeks this summer (2023), from Tromsø to Svalbard, up to Rossøya and back through Hinlopen Strait! A gold mine, to which you come back every day, and read several times every chapter, so helpful and interesting!

Francesco 2023-04-12

Top notch

No doubts one of the, if not THE, most complete and interesting guidebooks I've ever read about a specific area/region of the world. Must have/read for planning a trip to Spitsbergen.

Paula Sćiuk 2023-03-10

Independently and carefully researched reference - a must have b

Useful, comprehensive and pertinent information, a must read for anyone considering or returning to the Spitsbergen Svalbard region. Outlining history, wildlife, flora, geography written by a polar expedition leader, geologist and photographer residing in the high Arctic.

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