In 2025, our Spitsbergen / Greenland calendar is again a real double calendar. The back side of the sheets, which used to be blank until 2019, are now fully used so you actually get...
New edition in 2024! More and better photos and now with hardcover!
A large treasure of images has accumulated through many years in Spitsbergen from 1997 to 2023. It has been an idea for a long time to...
The new Spitsbergen driftwood picture frames have arrived! After a long trip from Longyearbyen to Franeker in the Netherlands , we finally received 15...
Spitsbergen - a plant guide. Available only in German . Please visit our German online shop (change language at the top of the page) for further details.
"Eisbären - Geliebt und verraten" von Morten Jørgensen: Ein Muss für alle Eisbären-Fans, die gerne verstehen wollen, wo die Bedrohungen für den Fortbestand der Eisbären liegen und denen der Erhalt der Art am Herzen...
"Auf Nordlandfahrt" is the edited diary of one of the first cruises to Spitsbergen - as early as 1896! Sandra Walser (Switzerland) authored the book and published it in 2018, beautifully equipped with...
Spitzbergen – Svalbard. Arktische Naturkunde und Geschichte in Wort und Bild. This is the German edition of the guidebook Spitsbergen-Svalbard. The book is also available <a...